Why our customers
Our customers were looking to provide their loved ones with a high quality drinking water within their budget.
They chose Owe water! Discover why!
Meet Mr Bui Van Teo, who is a motorbike taxi driver. He was originally was drinking tap water but decided to change to Owe water for health purpose.
Since I use Owe, my family health is getting better.
Mr Bui Van Teo
Meet Ms Phan Hong Hang, 56 years old, she used to boil tap water to drink it but finally decided to drink Owe water, a safer water for her grandchildren.
Before, I used to boil tap water. It was quite exhausting, and it felt unsafe. I was afraid that it might affect the grandchildren’s health.
"I switched to Owe and have been using it since. I feel safer to used to make milk. For families like mine, using Owe gives us peace of mind. It is cheap and safe. I am happy that I bought it for my grandchild”
Ms Phan Hong Hanh
Meet Ms Chim Thi Thai, 67 years old. She was drinking local brand water and didn't know whether it was safe or not. As soon as a family member recommended Owe, she switch to this water, knowing that it was safer!
Many people in this neighbourhood also drink this. What’s most important is that it’s safe to drink.
Ms Chim Thi Thai